Kairos Prison Ministry
“I was in prison and you visited me” - Matthew 25:36
Kairos Prison Ministry shares the transforming love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ to impact the hearts and lives of incarcerated men, women and youth, as well as their families, to become loving and productive citizens of their communities.
One Ministry, Three Programs
Kairos Inside
Kairos Inside brings together inmates for a 3 ½ day Weekend led by same gender Kairos volunteers. The Weekend is based on a series of talks, discussions, chapel meditations, and prayer. The concept is to build the Christian community inside the institution where the inmates pray and fellowship together weekly. In addition, volunteers return for a monthly Reunion of the Kairos community. Without our follow up support, the efforts of the Weekend would quickly be lost to the prison environment.
Kairos Outside
Relatives often “do time” right along with their loved ones. Kairos Outside lets them know they are not alone. The Weekend is a 2 ½ day supportive, nonjudging retreat designed to address the pain of separation and the judgment of others. The program is interspersed with music, prayer, and fun activities. Continuing Ministry afterwards helps the women on their individual journeys as they grow in faith. Any woman whose life has been impacted by incarceration, or who was unable to attend Kairos Inside while in prison, is eligible to attend Kairos Outside.
Kairos Torch
Kairos Torch mentors youth in prison so they can make better life choices. The program begins with a Weekend for those age 25 and under. The mission is to engage their reasoning skills and create a safe place for the offender to realize their God-given potential through the mentoring of a mature, Christian volunteer. It encourages the stripping away of the masks they hide behind. Kairos Torch volunteers commit to a weekly mentoring process for six months after the Weekend, which includes discussions, goal setting, and Reunions.
How you can Participate
American Lutheran is a Proud Supporter of Kairos Ministry
There are many ways to participate in Kairos Prison Ministry. Here are just a few:
Be a Prayer Partner
Be a Support Volunteer
Create Agape (Artwork)
Be a Cookie Baker
Be a Team Member
Be a Ministry Financial Donor
Want to know more or have someone from Kairos reach out? Just let us know.