The ALC congregation hosts a themed Vacation Bible School annually during the summer.
2024 Theme: Explode with Gods Love – Hawaiian Style!
Dates: July 30th – August 1st
Time: 5:30p.m. – 8:00p.m. (evenings) with a meal served
Activities include singing, crafts, storytelling, active movement and more – all with the goal of sharing the love of our savior Jesus Christ.
We welcome everyone to join us as a participant or helper! Reach out to our VBS team leaders for questions or to volunteer at amlutheran@alclincoln.com or visit with us any Sunday before/after service.
Registration Options:
Registration opens after Sunday School ends for the year, May 24th, 2024.
You can sign up online or you can mail in or drop-off at our church office prior to July 30th.
Receiving these in advance assists with planning but please don’t let this keep you from joining us! Able to join for just part of the week? That’s okay too!